Мы находимся по адресу:Russia, Saint Petersburg, Oktyabrskaya naberezhnaya, 112

Позвоните нам:+7 921 412 76 82

Contact us

About us

  • North House
  • Our office is located at: Russia, Saint Petersburg, Oktyabrskaya naberezhnaya, 112
  • Telephone: +7 (921) 412-76-82 
  • Opening hours from 09:00 to 19:00
  • Email: contact@loghomeru.com kanadalog@gmail.com

Legal information about the North House company

  • OOO «North House»
  • OGRN 1137847250496 dated 03.07.2013
  • INN 7804511520

We are open to dialogue, and you can always count on our warm attitude. Please, visit us - we certainly have something to be proud of and what to offer to your attention.